Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gaboon Viper venom could treat circulatory disorders

I know, I know, I may be over-doing it with the snake stories. But, honestly, stories like this are fascinating. Each breed of venomous snake has a different venom - imagine if we could harness ALL of the qualities and use the venom to cure human diseases!

Gaboon Vipers, native to Africa, have the longest fangs of any snake in the world. While they are typically docile creatures, their bite is one of the most painful and dangerous in the African rain forest. The venom contains proteins that cause blood vessels to spill their contents into the surrounding tissues. The proteins cause spontaneous hemorrhages in major organs and can quickly lead to heart failure.

So why take a risk with such a deadly venom? Check out this article to find out!

Here is a link to a video about harnessing Gaboon Viper venom and the importance of protecting them.

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